The First International Workshop on

Regulatory Ontologies and the modeling of complaint regulations

 - WORM CoRe 2003 -


Part of the International Federated Conferences (OTM '03)

  Proceedings published by Springer LNCS

November  4, 2003 

Catania, Sicily, Italy



[Call For Papers]

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Sponsored By


Giles Hogben
Melanie Dulong de Rosnay

Jaime Delgado

Giles Hogben: On the ontology of Digital Identification.

Jaime Delgado: Regulatory Ontologies: An Intellectual Property Rights approach.

Koen Kerremans
Aldo Gangemi
Mustafa Jarrar

Koen Kerremans: Representing Multilingual and Culture-Specific Knowledge in a VAT Regulatory Ontology. Support from the Termontography Method

Mustafa Jarrar: Ontology-based Customer Complaint Management

Henry Ryan
Dickson Rugaimukkamu

John Kingston

John Kingston: Comparison of a regulatory ontology with existing legal ontology framework.


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